If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID (fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle or body aches, or headache) OR have had recent contact with a positive patient, we ask that you please refrain from attending.
General Instructions
- Inside seating will be limited. At St. John’s, sanctuary doors will be open. Dress appropriately.
- Restrooms will be available.
- 6-foot physical distancing between different households.
- Hand sanitizer will be available at entrances.
- Face coverings worn at all times by anyone over 10 years old. Masks are available for those who do not bring one.
- Worship leaders addressing the congregation & performing singers may take off their face masks while maintaining 12-foot physical distancing.
- Congregational singing is prohibited.
- An offering plate will be set-out instead of passing a plate around.
- Bulletins will be single-use. Please dispose of them at home
Communion Instructions
- Come forward at the direction of an usher.
- Receive the elements (in a sealed container) from the Pastor or Assisting Minister.
- Return to your seat.
- Open the chalice as instructed below.
- An usher will collect the used chalice.